Category / Process

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  • Mu’uMu’u’s traveling from China

    My coach tells me I am in a slump. For one thing, it is an athletic slump—that is, I’m running less and I’m suddenly a magnet for injuries. The left side of…

  • Re-entry Program

    I have recently ordered three, what I’m calling “modern-day Muumuu’s”—you know the casual, long flowing house dresses that your mom wore around pregnancy. No I’m not pregnant. Besides, if I were, I…

  • The winter Monster is upon me

    I should know by now that everything is going to change. When the sun starts staying under longer in the mornings and dropping low earlier in the evenings, when the skies cloud…

  • What is this all about?

    Answer No. 1 Barak Obama’s outgoing call to our nation was to throw ourselves into citizenship. That is what I plan to do, and I plan to do it using my tool-kit…