Long overdue: last long run
It’s official. The Advance Tour for #relayofvoices #thegreatriverrun is in it’s last 24 hours. A storm has been making it’s way inland from just off the coast, thwarting our plans to take a boat to the Mouth of the River today… the “3 passes” that is—that’s right, it’s a Delta, it fans out, and there is not just one way out, there are many.
Mr. Earl was willing and so generous to take us down after our meeting in Plaquemines Parish on Wednesday, but as the low pressure built, we knew we had to leave these fine cajun people to take care of their land, their lives, their community. We can make it out there another day.

So today, back in Baton Rouge, staying with my brother John Henry, his wife Anne Marie, their two children Mary Beth and John William, and of course my mother Dinah…. we are wrapping things up. I took my last long run on the levee. A good 8 miler with the sun glaring at me early this morning, the ships, such big ships, halted by the Huey P Long bridge here in Baton Rouge. All that can move northward are the tugs and the barges and things smaller than them.

The work is building, but exciting. So many connections to follow up on and keep fostering. I feel so lucky and blessed to have this experience and opportunity. My life is different. Never the same. And I’ve only gone 30 days! not 100 days down the river. Pure magic. The people. The places.
More soon. More regularly.
Chicago tomorrow.